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High Level View

Here are the basic components of the model from the 50,000 foot level.


Triggers a Buy

The model will use a variety of technical indicators to trigger a buy into the Stock Market which could be an S&P Fund or a leveraged S&P ETF.

Model Calculates

Size of Invesment

As an individual investor, you can determine how much to invest with a buy signal. Knowing that you get a better price 75% of the time it may be worth waiting.


Get In or Stay In

There are overrides that that supersede sell signals to force us to stay in the market no matter what the model indicates. For example; minimum profit would be one.


Get Out or Stay Out

There are overrides that that supersede buy signals to force us to stay in the market no matter what the model indicates. For example; high volatility would be one.


Triggers a Sell

The model will use a variety of technical indicators to trigger a sell out of the Stock Market. Hopefully the sell will result in a nice profit which it does 84% of the time.

Model Calculates

Size of Withdraw

As an individual investor, you can determine how much to pull out of the market with a sell signal. Knowing that you get a better price 75% of the time it may be worth waiting.